Brafitting i profilaktyka zdrowotna, współpraca, artykuł, profilaktyka raka piersi

Brafitting - choosing the perfect style and size of a bra - do we do it only for comfort? And maybe also for our health?

Statistics show that as many as 80% of women still wear the wrong bra size or the wrong bra style.
We do not realize that what is invisible is very important, which is why we often do not pay attention to what underwear we buy and where we buy it.

Women’s very low awareness of the negative consequences of wearing bras bought “by eye” makes them choose products from chain stores. Unfortunately, you won’t find such a wide range of sizes in circumferences and cups there as in women’s underwear stores.

Mass producers offer cheap, low-quality bras that stretch and distort very quickly, losing their ability to properly support the breasts. At first glance, a chain bra differs from a branded bra in a much lower price, which is not only due to the huge scale on which they produce. This is mainly due to the hidden difference in the quality of materials and the number of elements from which the first bra is made. Bras from chain stores have on average a dozen or so pieces connected, for comparison, the Agio branded bra has over thirty of them.

What matters is where you are looking for underwear, your awareness of the bra size and the style that will suit your breast type.

The wrong size and style of a bra has a number of consequences that are unpleasant for your health and appearance, and the first signal is a lack of comfort. The longer a woman wears such a bra, the more she works to permanently deteriorate these troublesome ailments, the appearance of the figure and the condition of the breasts.

Let’s get down to specifics and specify what we may feel when our bra is not our size. It can cause headaches and spine pain in the cervical and thoracic sections, especially in women with heavier breasts. A properly selected bra relieves the spine and helps correct posture by straightening the figure. This gives us self-confidence and makes us easily more attractive.

By wearing a bra of the wrong size, we contribute to the distortion of our figure because if the breasts are not properly supported, they “fall onto the back” and lie on the stomach, covering the waist. An inappropriate bra also has a painful effect on our skin, causing abrasions and wounds caused by the bra moving or the underwires digging in. And here the most dangerous effect is the appearance of cysts in the breasts. This can happen when the ends of the underwires of the wrong shape or size press the tissue for several hours every day. Remember, underwires should surround the breasts, they must never lie on them!

You will certainly be surprised by the fact that too small bra, which presses sensitive areas such as the chest, breasts or arms, contributes to improper flow of lymphatic tissue, which may even indirectly lead to the development of breast cancer. Lymph, also known as lymph, is tissue fluid flowing into the lymphatic vessels that form the lymphatic (lymphatic) vessel system.

Lymph’s task is to collect toxic substances from our body and carry them to the lymph nodes, which filter the lymph, cleansing it of viruses, bacteria, fungi and cancer cells, and produce antibodies. The lymphatic vessels of the chest and upper limbs drain lymph to the axillary lymph nodes. The lymph is then directed to the thoracic duct and the right lymphatic duct, which connect to two veins at the base of the neck. In this way, the lymph returns to the bloodstream. It is very important for our health not to disturb the lymph circulation in our body in any way.

Damage to Cooper’s ligaments is another consequence of long-term wearing of a bra that does not support our breasts. These ligaments are the connective tissue in the breasts that help maintain the structural integrity of the breasts. Literally, they can be compared to springs which, under the influence of gravity and the weight of the breasts, stretch out, losing their shape and strength. Cooper’s ligaments are elastically attached to the collarbone, which is the large bone between the shoulder and chest, which gives the breasts its characteristic shape and form. When the breasts literally hang on these ligaments, if they are not supported, they are damaged, resulting in sagging and deformed breasts.

With the above in mind, brafitting, i.e. appropriately fitting a bra, can be considered a preventive measure in the fight against breast cancer. A properly fitted bra should be tight and taut to support the breasts well, but at the same time it must be comfortable, allow free breathing and not cause any discomfort or painful pressure. Bra straps are supposed to support the circumference in such a way that they are properly tightened, but they cannot cut into the body and cause pain, which is a threat to the lymphatic system.

A well-chosen bra is a guarantee of beautiful, firm and, most importantly, healthy breasts. A bra has to be not only pretty or fashionable, but above all it must properly emphasize the bust and be comfortable in everyday use. Such a bra will quickly give every woman self-confidence by emphasizing the advantages of the female figure – it will highlight the bust, highlight the cleavage, and reveal the waist. Most women wear their bra for over fifteen hours a day, so it needs to be as comfortable as your favorite pair of jeans!

If you want to be healthy, feel comfortable and beautiful, be sure to try to choose the right, good quality bra, preferably with the help of a brafitter. The role of the brafitter is to collect appropriate information and find an appropriate solution for supporting the client’s breasts, which is, above all, comfortable and safe.

In our Modern Woman’s guide, you can check how to choose a bra and learn about the features of a poorly fitted bra.